
I'm running a pair of VTL MB185 Mono Amps and I'm interested in replacing my speakers. I do like good imaging, but I also enjoy being able to listen to music with someone. That being said, does anyone have a suggestion for speakers that don't have a tiny sweetspot? (please don't say Bose Acoustimass, lol!) I've been reading about the Von Schweikert, Silverline and Avatar. Does anyone have an opinion on them or any other? I have about $3000.00 to spend on the used market.

Wow! All of these suggestions sound good. Actually, right now, I'm using B&W 801 Matrix 3 speakers. I was thinking of replacing them anyway, because (although they do sound pretty good)I think I might be able to find a better match for my amplifiers. I did toy with the idea of spending $1600.00 on the Northcreek crossover upgrade, but I'm not sure if that money will be well spent. I though that I'd be better off starting from scratch with a new speaker.
your 801's(matrix) are one of the most sought after loudspeakers in the world by collectors. relax and enjoy always lasts beyond fashion....keep em

Thanks for the comment on my B&W 801 speakers. Unfortunately, the main problem is that they're not very efficient. Also, I wasn't sure if I'd be better off selling these speakers instead of investing another $1600.00 in the North creek crossover upgrade. Any thoughts on that?

Thanks, Nick
Green Mountain Audio Callisto make your whole room the sweet spot. One of the things I love about these, besides the huge soundstage, is the ability to sit in any chair in the room and enjoy the music. 91-92 db effecient, first order crossover and I cannot say enough about the sound.