Have you noticed that

* Items that are �priced to sell� usually aren�t?
* Almost all used tubes have �about 100 hours� on them?
* About every other ad on Audiogon is for Tyler or Jolida?
* Some people sell what they claim to �love�?
* Almost everyone who bought a Musical Fidelity X-10V3 ends up selling it?

Add your own
I bought two and didn't realize it.
Wifey says no way. Ever ask before the fact? Ever say it stays?
Minty fresh. You selling gum now?

Thanks for a moderate chuckle.
to paraphrase groucho marx...'if we were any closer to the music, we'd be in back of it.' vacuum tubes are slowly headed down death valley from the moment they are first used. at 100 hours they must stay at a bed and breakfast for a while. .....when you consider that many hi-hi-hi end companies only sell a few hundred(if that) 'new' of any given model worldwide, the second and third sales-go-rounds on audiogon alone is unbelievable.....my all time favorite is the number of dealers info in stereophile. its always 5 to 15.
well Stersophile seems to have a minimum 5 dealers rule but last month or month before was a review with no stated dealer number.....fishy.
All aside...this is all real obvious and in no way should seem shady....people love stuff and love a new idea more, people dress up there ads with whatever they can, tubes...well thats all an honesty thing and Tyler does have a few too many ads but he is a great guy doing direct sales, and Jolida I feel was a flavor of the month that ran its course.