wht is the difference between good and bad sound ?

is it all subjective ? is sound quality dependent upon the ear of the beholder, or are there standards for judgment ?

in essence, if one does not like the sound is it bad sound, and cobnversely, if one likes the sound then it is good sound ?

does this also apply to components as well, i.e., if one does not like the contribution a component makes to the sound of a stereo system then that component is a bad component ?
For myself, in literary terms, it's called suspension of disbelief. Which doesn't mean convinced but real enough and engaging enough to, as Sculley said, "I want to believe". Makes it expensive for a skeptic.
This kind of question is good for everyone. What is your idea of good and bad sound? It will be helpful to know for new or even seasoned members. Why do we upgrade equipments constantly? This thread can be a good guideline for upgrade path for many members. Please participate and explain your sound system's good and bad sound. Or what sound quality you want in your future upgrade.