DIY CDP Platform...

Hey guys,

I have 4 Spikes and I want to make a platform for my CDP. I would like the platform to use the spikes as feet and the CDP sit on top. I am wondering what kind of material I should use?

I was thinking Wood or maybe Marble...I'm not sure but some suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.
There are many choices depending on what you are trying to achieve (e.g., isolation, damping, resonance transfer). I recommend thoroughly searching the archives here and at audio asylum for more discussion on this and information. Your best solution could depend on the characteristics of the rack, table, shelf, etc. that the platform will be placed on. Some options that come to mind range from a sheet of mdf, layered mdf, an air bladder made with an inner tube placed on mdf then a floating mdf platform above the tube (sides can be added to dress it up), to a symposium clone consisting of thin aluminum sheets on the top and bottom, adhered to mdf, sandwiching a layer of presentation board in the middle (search gatorboard). If the spikes are threaded, I recommend using inserts into whatever you attach them to, so you can use them to level the cdp. Have fun.
If you can't afford granite or marble, Corian (synthetic marble countertop) works very nicely.
Go online and order a Maple cutting board," Boose Blocks ". Rock Maple 2" thick and stable. About $75. You already have the feet.Should work awesome!