Isolation transformer benefits?

I can understand how an isolation xfmr can be a benefit for apartment dwellers sharing a transformer with 50 other people, but would it benefit me? I happen to have a dedicated street transformer for only my home. My 3 dedicated audio circuits are all on the same phase. All 120 volt appliances and motors are on the other phase.( Phases a little unbalanced?) Would I hear or see any difference with a isolation xfmr in this situation? Is it worth the time and money? I am poor.

Mrtennis posts;
since all isolation transformers are not created equal, you may have to listen to several before finding one you want.

Mrtennis, are you speaking of a stand alone isolation transformer with electrostatic shielding verses non shielded? Or are you speaking of power conditioners that are using components in conjunction with an isolation transformer? Power conditioners and stand alone iso transformers are not the same thing imo.
hi je48, without discussing issues of semantics, components which interface other components and a wall outlet probably exhibit sonic differences.

as with any other component, it is advisable to audition such a device, if possible prior to purchase.

i am not concerned with the issue of shielding or whether a product is or is not a power conditioner.

in either case, one may use the generic term accessory and still hope to audition before purchase.