What outlet should I choose.....

Decided to try and install dedicated electrical lines to my system, so I've been researching wall outlets. There are PS Audio, Porter Ports, the new Japanese outlets, Wattgate, etc. And of course with everything else, prices run the gamut. I understand the need for better outlets, but come on...$147 for an outlet? Are the higher priced outlets that much better than the ones for $36?

I ask because I don't want really want to take the time to get the different outlets and audition them. With CD players I can do that, but it just seems silly to audition wall outlets...help?
Sammie, I agree with your last sentence. Personally, I would opt for the less expensive outlet. Unless you have the finest equipment capable of revealing VERY subtle differences in your room, I doubt that you would ever hear a difference, assuming that there was one. Put your money into PC's, or better yet, music! :-)
In case this helps!
Better grade electrical outlets may make a difference in your system, but they only make sense AFTER you have addressed more important improvements -- such as dedicated lines, etc.

Albert Porter recently posted a link to an article about the various grades of electrical outlets that you may find informative:

Best regards,
In case it helps your peace of mind, I found that the Porter Ports were well worth it. (Of course, I too could not really A/B them either.) They certainly strongly pinch the prongs of the plug to establish a good contact.

I had mine installed when I installed my dedicated circuits. Whether it was the dedicated circuits, or the outlets or a combination of both (probably the later), my sound definitely improved.

Besides, if you are going to line someone's pocket, why not a fellow Audiogon member!? (Besides Albert is a really nice guy and will answer any question you put to him.)

My two cents worth anyway.