Which KT88s for Cary SLI-80?

I'm shopping to replace the output tubes to my Cary SLI-80 and have been recommended several new production KT88 tubes--JJ Tesla, Groove Tube, and the Electro-Harmonix EH tubes. I notice Cary has the Electro-Harmonix tubes in their F1 premium model. I've been using Svetlana "C" KT88s with good results, but I want to warm the midrange and sweeten the top end. I play mostly classical music--Renaissance choral, Romantic Italian opera, and symphonic orchestral music. There are complex and massed trebles in these all the time that make for difficulties. For example, I tried using Siemens/RFT EL34 tubes, which created much more air and spaciousness, but they also seemed to lack enough power to negotiate these complex massed treble passages--choral voices, unison violins, etc. The system presented an edgy glassiness at the top that masked all other details at dynamic peaks. This doesn't occur with the Svetlana KT88s, which also have more focus, but I'd prefer more warmth, body, and air in the music if possible. My other tubes are Mullard CV378 rectifiers, Brimar 6SN7s, and Mullard E188CC/7308s. I use Audience Au24 ICs and speaker wire, an CAL CL-15 player, and Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home speakers. Suggestions? Characteristics?
Thanks for your view.

Isn't the Electro-Harmonix supposed to be copy of the Genalex too? Or am I mistaken? Do you know the sonic differences?
Actually the Svetlana KT88's are known primarily for their warmth. I have been using the Svetlana KT88's and EL34's in my Prima Lunas. After these, I would try the Electro-Harmonix. Tried the the JJ Teslas (blue glass no less) and did not like the sound ... not warm at all. The Chines Genelex copies are nice as well, not as warm sounding as the Svetlanas, but pretty nice.

Regards, Rich
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I use the JJ Tesla KT88 and like them a lot. I would suggest trying the EH KT88. I have not tried them, but all the other EH tubes I've tried (12AX7, 6922) have been over-achievers. The 6922 gold pin was better than my Siemens NOS tubes that they replaced. The JJ's are excellent all around, but I think they are more dynamic and fast than warm, which is what you're looking for. The EH KT88's are much less expensive. I plan to try them next, myself.

Does Cary have a recommendation? They'll know if a certain tube is a better match.
