Your vote: Most Useless Audio Adjective

From what I've seen in online audio discussion forums such as Audiogon, words like warm, taut, wooly, and forward can upset even died in the wool audiophiles. While some may have a hard time getting their arms around them, most of the terms seem quite appropriate to me. You have to develop some list of terms in order to convey a description of a component's sonics, or to delineate it from another component.

However, I have noticed the description "self effacing" creeping into more and more reviews, and it flat out boggles my mind. Initially, it seemed to fit into the context it was being used - affordable or downright cheap gear, that was fun and lively. However, now that I've read the term being used to describe quite a serious piece of high end kit, the time has come to point out how ridiculous things are getting.

I had to laugh out loud thinking of the snootiest, most condescending audio dealer I know who was carrying this brand. Using the term "self effacing" with anything had to do with this guy was akin to describing Phyllis Diller a young, hot sex symbol.

What is your most useless audio adjective???

funny how a room full of "affordable" stuff can be worth more than your car...

"Graded ___ only for age"


"Graded ___ to be safe"

So the seller can be safe. Doesn't do me any good, unless the piece is priced accordingly--to this "safe only" grade. Don't think that happens, though
"taken my system to the next level"

Which level, how are they defined, much difference is there between levels??

"huge improvement"

That one has a "huge" information content...

I am probably even guilty myself using these now and then ;)
Guys and or ladys, In the absence of sound, words or gestures are all we have. I guess we should just refrain from using any additional words and simply say SURE SOUNDS GOOD !!! Yeh, lets make that the apex benchmark for future. Or perhaps there are other injustices to rail against.. Just a thought, ( using words of course )