what is good sound ?

when evaluating stereo systems, should the performance of the stereo system itself be the reference point, or should the listener be the basis for the evaluation ?

if the instrinsic quality of sound is the basis for judgment, then such concepts as transparency, neutrality or accuracy might be the standard for evaluation.

otherwise, the listener would be the sole judge and whatever criterion, be it based upon sonic considerations or physiological/psychological states, would be the deciding factor.

whatever approach is selected, what is the justification for either one ?
9rw, chill out and take an anger management course.

i appreciate your kind remarks and concerns about my listening skills and qualifications for the presidency of the pseudo-intellectual babble club.

however arbitrary statements like yours are just another opinion, although, to your credit, shared by other "audiophiles" .

however, stating an opinion about reference and accuracy does not justify it. there are other points of view equally valid. your concept of "high end" may not be shared by others.

you don't have the force of logic and necessity to back up your statements. you have no proof.

keep up the good work.
Mrtennis: Who's angry? You already have a forum for your nonsensical notions -- audiophilia, right? -- so why pollute Audiogon? Take the hint and go away.
Post removed 
Jeeze, talk about someone who needs an anger management course! You're a psych major(?) and you get upset when someone challenges you for your conduct in creating a thread and responding to posts. That surprises me as I would think your training should have caused you to expect as much, and your age and life experiences should have enabled you to ignore such comments or folks. Did you actually get a degree or did you just do Psych 101?

"other "audiophiles". How condescending. Just about as condescending as your inane responses to critism about your threads from folks who just can't seem to take you or your threads seriously.

All in my humble opinion, of course. I have no proof what so ever.

Now that I have spewed my venom I'm going to seek solace in listening to some good music.

Most respectfully,

other "Audiophile"