what is good sound ?

when evaluating stereo systems, should the performance of the stereo system itself be the reference point, or should the listener be the basis for the evaluation ?

if the instrinsic quality of sound is the basis for judgment, then such concepts as transparency, neutrality or accuracy might be the standard for evaluation.

otherwise, the listener would be the sole judge and whatever criterion, be it based upon sonic considerations or physiological/psychological states, would be the deciding factor.

whatever approach is selected, what is the justification for either one ?
9rw, i'm glad you are being entertained. i should charge you a consulting fee for my services.

also, you may not have to see your shrink this week.
Actually, Roy Harris, you're the reason some of us may need to see a shrink -- to figure out your twisted thought process. You would be a great case study -- only you are not that complex. You post moronic "questions" for which there is no answer, then argue with anyone who tries to respond. Give us all a break already. Go back to writing your sophomoric "reviews" for Audiophilia (I hope no one is foolish enough to pay you -- or trust anything you write) and the system that puts you to sleep. Isn't it about your nap time by now?
9rw, how does your wife put up with you ?

you have such a pleasant temperament.

nothing seems to bother you. you are always so kind and gracious--and full of complements.

by the way, do you have a life, outside of audio ?
Well, actually, people do say something about her being a saint. I never have figured out what they're getting at . . .
Tell'em bout' his Mamma!!!

It's friendly banter like this that has Audiogon servin' up those complementary pipin' hot mugs of shutthefuckup. I'll take two sugars in mine please.

Who's taking bets on how much longer this thread is going to remain online? My money says it won't make it to Sunday morning.