Which System???

Regardless of price, and just focusing on pure musical enjoyment, which system of the following 3 would you prefer:

Krell SACD standard
Krell kav-400xi

Naim cd5i
Naim nait5i

Rega Apollo
Rega Mira
For just pure musical enjoyment, you can't beat Naim. I am using a nat 5i now, and getting a cd5i soon.
What if a unit such as the Musical Fidelity x10 is inserted in to the system?Would that make it tubie enough?
All three will provide musicial enjoyment PROVIDED the remainder of the system (speakers and cables at the very least) are chosen to augument each option's attributes. Though I have yet to hear Naim directly, I do know from personal experience that the Krell and Rega systems are capable of long term musical enjoyment.

What is the goal of this thread? Is this for a personal purchasing decision or are you angling?
i owned a musical fidelity a5 cd player and have had the opportunity to audition musical fidelity-based systems at ces.

i do not hear a tube sound when i listen to musical fidelity components.

i suspect that a low powered set amp would be necessary to attian a "tube-like" sound.
many of the newer pentode or tetrode designs sound more like transistors than tubes.