member system photos???

I notice on a lot of member system photos, that a lot of the rooms are not set up for a proper listening; mismatched speaker posistions, lots of equipment racks in between, furniture to close to the speakers, etc. is it just me or am i missing something would think with all the money invested in our systems that one would want the best possible stereo image and room response... I very well know that "whatever floats your boat", BUT... any comments?
Never have figured out why folks don't pay maximum attention to set up and acoustics - seems that many, especially the inexperienced, feel that the solution to all of their problems is in the components. They really have no idea what they are missing.

The funny thing is proper set up is about the cheapest thing you can do in audio. It would be fun if there was a requirement that you not only post your system but include a photo before you advise others seeking comments about components. Especially from those that can't hear the benefits of break-in, fine tuning and tweeks and then proclaim that these effects do not exist and must be psycological, a tool of the manufacturers to get us fools to buy and keep their 'junky' stuff. :-)
Oh, I get it -- you assumed that in a perfect world...

Here's a scary thought for you: I've been to lots of "audiophiles" homes to listen to all different kinds of systems. The systems that were neat and organized (but didn't necessarily sound good) were in the minority. I've seen many more haphazard no-particular-plan type of systems and some of them sounded alright.

Of the systems I've viewed on audiogon, I think that these systems represent some of the better systems out there. What is scary is to think of some of the systems that aren't posted (probably the majority) are much worse.

Newbee, I think that truly proper setup is not all that cheap; and that the "benefits of break-in are dubious in many cases." Does that mean I shouldn't offer advice anymore?