member system photos???

I notice on a lot of member system photos, that a lot of the rooms are not set up for a proper listening; mismatched speaker posistions, lots of equipment racks in between, furniture to close to the speakers, etc. is it just me or am i missing something would think with all the money invested in our systems that one would want the best possible stereo image and room response... I very well know that "whatever floats your boat", BUT... any comments?
Oh, I get it -- you assumed that in a perfect world...

Here's a scary thought for you: I've been to lots of "audiophiles" homes to listen to all different kinds of systems. The systems that were neat and organized (but didn't necessarily sound good) were in the minority. I've seen many more haphazard no-particular-plan type of systems and some of them sounded alright.

Of the systems I've viewed on audiogon, I think that these systems represent some of the better systems out there. What is scary is to think of some of the systems that aren't posted (probably the majority) are much worse.

Newbee, I think that truly proper setup is not all that cheap; and that the "benefits of break-in are dubious in many cases." Does that mean I shouldn't offer advice anymore?
Some of us have a wife!

'Nuff said?!

What!!!??? My God, that's the ultimate system killer!!!!

My wife made me put my $100K+ system in one corner of the basement.............the horror.....the horror.......the horror............

John :-)
Noticed the same thing.Must be the gypsy in us?Always moving?Good thread...Bob
Trade offs for one reason or another...wife/money/living space, ect, ect. Very few people have dedicated rooms I'd least not large ones.

I have an pics are two years old.

The guys with mega bucks (and you know who you are) excuse!...more money than brains! a room!...we don't wanna hear it!...get those rooms in order!

Hmm, good questions, but I would say this will be difficult to tell from
pictures. Take a look at my system pictures and you will notice

1) Furniture and even worse a big TV between the speakers.

2) Speakers placed very close to the wall.

3) An equipment rack close to the right speaker.

I guess my system page qualifies as one of your negative example. In my

- I prefer to live in smaller apartment in the city than a big house in the
suburbs. Just not willing to compromise that way. Of course, the system is in
the only living room.

- Let me asure you that the speaker placement in that room has been
optimized, by listening and measurement; the current placement was the best
compromise in a limited space.

Just my example of course...and just to show that Life if full of compromises
;). Great thread!
