I've given up on the holy grail, one of the reason's I don't post much these
days. I rather enjoy music, with friend, comfortably then have a single chair,
set up in an equipment worshiping enivroment. So its not
"optimal" but its still damn good, and honestly I'd rather spend
time listening to music then tweaking and endlessly adjusting.
The older I get the more I believe most audiophiles are gearheads who use
the music as an excuse to get cool toys, or rather cooler toys then their
friends. Its an ego driven hobby, comes as a shock its 99% full of men - wow!
Having listened with countless audiophiles on all level's most are pretty inept
when it comes to discerning the not so subtle differences we listen for, when
in fact the differences are often so subtle your mood changes the way you
hear sound more then the equipment does. Musicians who are trained to play
VERY well, those are the people who impress me as audiophiles, the ones who
can appreciate the subtle details between a good and great performance that
would not be detected with out a good system.... now I'm ranting...
So why don't more of us have an audio shrine??? Because we haven't lost our
minds yet, and that's a very good thing.