Power Conditioner Suggestions

I'm coming off of a Monster 3500 Mk II unit and need a nice step up...$1k to $1400 used range. Thinking about Blue Circle, Richard Gray, PS Audio, Shunyata...etc. It seems that there isn't many head to head comparisons out their. Has anyone done direct comparisons? While I'd love to include Audience or Walker or Thor in this discussion, I can't reach that far!?!

Thanks for your thoughts
I would also recommend the BPT, very high value for the money and can be ordered many different ways. Shunyata Hydra also works quite well, but in my system was just a touch bright, though very detailed and dynamic. The PS audio powerplants work very well if you have voltage issues, if not I think the BPT does a better job of removing grunge and lowering the moise floor. Don't know much about the others mentioned.
Thanks to all...does anyone have experience with Quantums Symphony Pro? I do not have voltage issues, but I do have a louder noise floor than I wish for. I'm considering the Symphony and either a high grade power strip or a BPT for voltage protection.
Having heard a Quantum Symphony Pro demo at one of the Stereophile Home Entertainment Shows, there is an obvious improvement in sound quality. If you can do a simple home or dealer demo then I think it should impress you with the way it removes noise.
In one of my systems, the front-end digital components are plugged into the predecessor of their current beginner model Q-Bar Power Strip, and the "cleansing" (elimination) of previously un-noted noise was startling.
I heard a subltle difference with the QSP. Adding a second QSP made a bigger difference. Go figure. Summed up, I could hear deeper into the recording. More ambience came thru. It sounded clearer. Still subtle tho worthwhile improvement. I would recommend it if you are fine tuning a high quality system.