Has your gear ever hurt you???

It seems that every piece of equipment I buy now a days weighs a ton! My speakers are 200lbs each and my monoblocks are 150lbs each!!! Each time I try to move them I swear I feel a hernia coming on. I am also always afraid I am going to drop something. And in true audiophile fashion, I imagine how I would contort my body to protect my beloved gear if the unthinkable was to happen. Fortunately for me, I have never had to sacrifice my body for my gear but I know the day is coming (too many late night re-arrangments). Actually, I gave myself a deep gash on my leg as I was walking over my amps the other day. Even though the Pass Labs amps look great, those heat sinks can be absolutely deadly!! Why do the things we love so much also hurt us so????

So, I am wondering if anyone else has been hurt by their gear in one way or another.
I once owned a set of large labyrinth floorstander speakers. One day I picked them up to move them around in the living-room and my back seized up after the second speaker. I don't know how I managed to put the speaker down but there I was laying on my back, on the floor, unable to get up. I had to lay there until somebodya could come and help me up. My thanks to our cleaning-lady, Skonie who helped me up.

A month ago I was busy cleaning the tubes of my QUAD's while turned on - stupid - the one power-tube burnt a blister on my right-hand knuckel!

Been shocked by elec power a few times and almost dropped the turntable's record puck on my foot!

C'est la vie!

Dewald Visser
i've got matching scars on my forearms due to the heatsinks from a previous plinius sa-102 amplifier. i was reaching around behind and connecting the speaker wires. when i pulled my arms back...ouchie!

I sit in the dark, watching , waiting, never knowing if my gear will attack me. Just one simple thing can set them off. I am afraid. I haven't been able to listen to music for months now, in fear of retaliation.

Someone..., Anyone..., pleeese.....

Contact the Battered Audiophile/Stereophile Society.

I need help.....

Watch out! Your speakers might jump out and abduct you to speaker-land were they will torture you...
