High End Audio Rack

What are some of the racks available if one wants to spend up to $5k on a really decent audio rack that offers superior damping to vibration, looks, build quality, etc. This is one area I am not up to speed with.
Here's another vote for rixrax. I have a Sonata, and I love it, both for looks and performance.
I'll second the Walker Audio Prologue Rack, if you can convince Lloyd to build one for you. Works exceptionally well here.
I am sure if you look hard you will find many racks for far below the 5grand mark that offer alot of what your asking and alot of cash left over for plenty software of your choice?
Symposium Isis. Research this rack. Symposium can ameliorate any number of isolation/energy dispersion issues. IMO, for the $$$ one has to spend on Arcici, fine elemente, grand prix, or Symposium, you should really make the effort to determine which rack truly floats your boat. Testimonials are great, but at this level of commitment you should go the extra mile.