help Terry Cain

I saw somewhere on Audiogon that Mr. Cain is struggling with serious health issues. I cannot remember if there was an address to send cards and support or if that was going to be posted in the near future. If this is not true please clarify, if it is true and you know the address please post it. I serched and searched but have not been able to find what I read that day.
I will keep Mr. Cain and his family in my prayers.
Thanks for the correct info needed to express our thoughts and support.

Thank you for the link, and for letting me know about this sad turn of events. An important note that should be added here is that Srajan Ebaen, publisher of 6moons, is using his site to help raise funds to pay for Terry's significant medical expenses. the link Kgturner has provided also offers numerous ways to help, including a large list of items being donated by various manufacturers (including Modwright, The Horn Shoppe, Wavelength, Red Wine Audio, and others) as well as individuals, which can be purchased to help the Cains. Part or all of your purchase will go directly to help Terry and his wife pay his medical expenses. You can also sell an item and donate some or all of the purchase via the same link (contact Srajan to post an item), or if you want to donate money outright. If you are shopping for a new piece of gear, check the link first - your purchase may go to a good cause.

My thoughts are with Terry and his family. I lost my father this past May after his brief fight with a late-diagnosed, advanced lung cancer, so this hits close to home on more than one level. I cannot imagine what Terry and his family are facing right now.

I was quite shocked to hear about Terry - I was still talking to him several times over the last year after he still finished a pair of Abbys for me last summer. I noticed his missing posts on Asylum over the last few months, but did not hear this bad news until now.

The collection of manufactures that have already donated gear to Terrys cause is incredible. I would highly recommend checking it out. I am myself considering several pieces to help out.

His pair of Abbys makes me smile everytime I look at them and even more when listening.

check Jax's link in his post as Terry passed away around midnight on Dec. 10th due to respiratory complications from his illness...
I got an email from Srajan yesterday and posted a new thread shortly after that, but the moderators have not allowed a post on his passing apparently. There were probably many. He will certainly be missed in this community.

Just a note that, according to Srajan he will be leaving the Benefit Page that he put up in place unless he is instructed otherwise by Terry's family. The proceeds will continue to go to pay for medical and funeral bills. The link is in my post above.

God speed, Terry.
