How to shop for audio

I'd like to hear some advice regarding shopping for audio.

I own a pair of Eidolon Diamonds and wish to upgrade my electronics which are currently the Goldmund entry line gear. And I need to improve my cables.

But what to do? How to decide? Do I travel to Massachusetts to visit and listen at Goodwin’s or Overture in Philadelphia to hear a variety of electronics, etc. in environments I’m not accustomed to? These are theclosest stores I know of with significant inventory.

This is a lot of travel expense and hassle, but is it what I have to do? Plus, for me, it takes time to evaluate my likings. How can I decide in one visit? I’ve been to Atlanta, the closest big city reasonably nearby, for thorough shopping. Not much there.

The media is suspect. Like why is there never any Spectral, little Rowland, etc.? I doubt if it’s because their equipment isn’t “worthy”. I don’t see the mags virtually ever mentioning this fact

The media is little assistance, though I like looking at the shiny pictures.

What about just buying/testing through multiple AudiogoN buys? And try not to take much of a loss in the process.

And can you provide one more opinion regarding this:
I want solid state. I’ve been through tube hassle enough, and I’m a solid state man. If I want hassle, I’ll endure it via my phono system. Yet, on AudiogoN, especially among people with Eidolons, tubes seem to reign.

What the heck do I do about that? Can I ignore it like the media?

Be glad to hear your counsel.

Way to go DUKE. There is a line in a movie(Amadus) that goes something like this:(peasant, to the King) "Oh your majesty,you give such Royal Advice". I do love reading your stuff,Duke.
I live just outside of Boston and have been involved with audio for a long time. I have shopped in many audio salons but I never felt at home in one after The Music Box in Wellesley closed years ago. I heard some amazing systems there and most of the sales help their were very helpful (albeit the owner was a bit gruff). In the past few years I have been very pleased with my experiences at Goodwins High End. The folks there are very well informed, helpful and make the whole shopping experience a pleasure. They are an Avalon dealer and I am sure they can help you get from the Eidilons. Best of luck and happy listening, Jerry
there is another approach. Find some mail order or local dealers who will let you audition equipment on your own system.

it might be more cost effective than buying and selling.

one other thing, there is going to be a lot of "trial and error", before you settle on a component.