Integrated amp for Eggleston Andra II

Currently I'm using a Sonic Frontier Power 3SE+, SF Line 3SE+ and Modwright Transporter with my Andra IIs. For the summer, I'm looking for a SS integrated amp that could drive my Andra IIs. All the tubes in my system can get too hot in the summer to enjoy the music.

Can someone recommend a SS integrated that can drive the Andra? I'm thinking Pass INT-150, Gamut DI-150, Rowland Continuum 500 and McIntosh MA7000.

I think you are on the right track, by not going with the integrated. First off, like you said , you will lose all the magic not having at least your tube line stage in the chain. Secondly, the Andra 2's IMO like alot of power. For that reason, I know longer own them. That said, thay are a very good speaker IMO. I bet one of the Accuphase amps may sound quite good w/ them. I thought the A50V had alot of power too, and can be had for around 6K used. I did not try the A50 on the Andra's though. The Pass XA100.5 may be a great match, but expensive. You didn't mention a price range, so there are alot of options.
I wouldn't worry about power. My M3 is rated at 275. does about 325 at 8 ohms and about 850 at 2 ohms with one channel driven and it is the lowest powered of the amps I mentioned.

My budget for an integrated is ~5K and for mono SS amp is ~10K.

I read several reviews on the Bryston 28B SST and I think it might be just what I'm looking for. It doesn't required to be continuous on 24/7 and it takes ~1 hour of warm up to achieve maximum performance.

I plan to include the Parasound JC-1 mono and Pass X600.5 in my list of amps.

Sorry to be late in responding - but - I am using a Rowland Continuum 500 integrated amp on a pair of Eggleston Andra II speakers and the results are excellent. Clean, pure, good soundstaging, great depth, plenty of power (to say the least).

I am very pleased with this combination - the Andras and Rowland are in my "second system" - my main system is Avalon Eidolons with Spectral electronics - and I find nothing whatsoever to complain about with the Rowland integrated in comparison with the Spectral.

I have tried many, many integrated amps and prefer the Rowland over all. The last two I tried - Moon I-7 sounded wonderful but was a little underpowered for the Andra II speakers. The Gamut DI-150 was the most beautiful piece of stereo gear I've ever owned and sounded absolutely fantastic, but I sold it in favor of the Rowland because of its lack of a balance control. Seating in my makeshift listening room (for the second system) requires a slight shift in the left to right balance - otherwise, I would have kept the Gamut - although I am not sure it sounded any better than the Rowland.
You might consider Classe CA-M400 monoblocks. Very nice sound, lots of power (400watts@8 ohms, 800w @ 4ohms). Although they have a substantial class A bias, the are not too warm driving my power-hungry Magnepan MG-20's at substantial levels. A nice pair can be had for 6K on Audiogon. I run mine with a Herron VTSP-3 preamp, very sweet. Don't skimp on power cables.