Integrated amp for Eggleston Andra II

Currently I'm using a Sonic Frontier Power 3SE+, SF Line 3SE+ and Modwright Transporter with my Andra IIs. For the summer, I'm looking for a SS integrated amp that could drive my Andra IIs. All the tubes in my system can get too hot in the summer to enjoy the music.

Can someone recommend a SS integrated that can drive the Andra? I'm thinking Pass INT-150, Gamut DI-150, Rowland Continuum 500 and McIntosh MA7000.


I haven't heard the latest Classe but was never a fan of their sound. I have many friends that owns them so it was strictly a personal taste issue.


I'll check out ASR Emitter when I want to simplify my all tube system. Just spent $3000+ retubing and still enjoy the flexibilty in tube rolling changing the sound depending on my mood.


Thanks for the overview. My biggest concern with an integrated is the lack of power to drive the Andra so it's great to hear that the Rowland has the capability.

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Hey Tvad,

The Pass Labs XA-60.5 might work okay for a small room, but it would be hard pressed to drive the dual 12 inch woofers to full effect in a medium to large room. The Andra II is fairly inefficient @ 88 db (with 6 ohm minimum).

I use the 200 wpc hybrid Lamm M2.1s and they seem to have enough muscle to get those big woofers to move quickly and tightly. IMHO, the minimum would be 100 wpc, and 200 will pretty much get all that these speakers can put out. (FYI, the Manufacturer recommends a minimum of 30 wpc (small room) up to 300 wpc).

I would love to try these speakers with the VAC Phi 300.1 stereo amp. It is a fantastic tube amp with 150 wpc. (But, unfortunately, that would mean buing all new cables, something that I am not willing to do at the moment.)

My two cents worth.
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I use the Pass XA100.5 with my Eggleston Rosa (87dB, 6ohm) and I would not go with less power in my 15'X 16'X 7.5'room. They do control the two 6" woofers better than my old XA160 did. But I would say that the XA60.5 could not adaquately power the Andra II in a 24X19 room. But any of the larger X.5 or XA.5 should be fantastic with that speaker.