What current China import sounds like a CJ??

Does anyone have any experience with the inexpensive China imports, integrated or stereo amps that have a CJ type sound. Looking to put together a second system and liked the old CJ11A and CJ14 combo but even at used prices you can buy the Chinese stuff for less money. Any ideas??
if you buy an amplifier and then are clever enough to recreate the sound of the amplifier, using different parts, why is that a problem? presumably Chinese manufacturers are using different tubes and other parts than what would be found in a CJ amp, assuming they have created an amp that sounds like a CJ . isn't it possible they are trying to design a tube amp at a lower price ? much of the details about designing an amp are in the public domain, so why the fuss ?
Be patient and find a deal on an MV series amp and PV-5 or 11 preamp, they pop up every now and then, your first rig will hold you over.

FWIW, I'm concerned about our own government, border patrol and Alkieda.
I bought a cheap chinese tube amplifier to toy around with.I believe I paid around $600including shipping from hongkong.so far,I only use the amp about once/month for the past year and spent almost $250 fixing it already.
In the final analysis - just buy U.S. designed and made in america products. I had one component that came through here manufactured in China, sounded like crap and gave up the ghost 3 months later. Literally threw it away in the garbage. That was my first and last experience with any audio component from China. Either support your home market or accept the demise. I quite frankly have stopped buying any product that is manufactured in the asian basin. But to each his own.