Integrated amp for Eggleston Andra II

Currently I'm using a Sonic Frontier Power 3SE+, SF Line 3SE+ and Modwright Transporter with my Andra IIs. For the summer, I'm looking for a SS integrated amp that could drive my Andra IIs. All the tubes in my system can get too hot in the summer to enjoy the music.

Can someone recommend a SS integrated that can drive the Andra? I'm thinking Pass INT-150, Gamut DI-150, Rowland Continuum 500 and McIntosh MA7000.

Jprice - I read your posts on the mac vs rowland thread and remembered your comments from this thread. Am thinking of an integrated for the Andra IIs as well and wondered if you still think the Continuum was still a good choice or do you think the mac would be the better choice now? Thanks for any insight

I no longer own the Rowland - and I sold the Eggleston Andra II speakers as well. I'm now using the McIntosh MA7000 on a pair of Sonus Faber Guarneri Mementos. I really like this combination and I'm (now) quite pleased with the Mac amp. But, as you are aware, the Mac puts out 250 watts of power at 2, 4, or 8 ohms and the Rowland starts off with 500 watts at 8 ohms and increases dramatically as the impedance lowers.

Considering the power-hungry nature of the Eggleston speakers, I can't help but thinking that the much more powerful Rowland might do a better job overall than the Mac on those speakers. This, however, is pure conjecture and is not based on experience or comparison.

I really loved the Continuum on the Eggleston speakers.
Great, thanks for your advice. That is the way I was leaning, so I might just give it a try and see.

I have two systems at my home and both had "big" speakers.(Eggleston Andra II and Avalon Eidolon) I had been looking for a pair of monitor type speakers that would offer performance at about the same quality as the Egglestons and I think I came very close with the S.F. Mementos.

I changed mostly because of space requirements and because my wife appreciated a more modest looking set-up in a room that she wanted to reclaim as a family-use room. (Somehow she thought one dedicated listening room was enough)