Big Karan amps

Anyone with experience of the bigger Karan amps.
I am interested in the new 650 Monoblocks.
How does Karan amps sound compared to for example BAT VK-600, Theta Citadels, Ayre MX-R, Burmester, MBL and others?
I have Aerial 20T's.
I just have to post this as my own response to my initial posting. In my own system, magic just happened. It is called synergy! What did I do: I finally placed a Valhalla XLR between source and preamp. Should have done a long time ago... Now I have Valhalla all the way from source to speaker. What a difference! And what a relief. I have for some time felt something was missing, but not anymore. I guess the Karan amps are very good, but my interest for switcing amps just dropped to almost zero because of what just took place. I don't think I will test other cables or amps for a while, but just listen to my albums!

PS: Thanks to all of you who sent me personal messages and gave me this advice instead of thinking of replacing my already fantastic Rowland 301 amps.
I was in your positioned, felt that magic of Valhalla too! If they sounded right in your system, leave the rest as is like what my 'cruel' dealer did, and just substitute a single pair of Odin XLR from your source to pre! Believe me, it will further propel your system to new heights! A magnitude of difference--more organic, more body, just more live across the board, most noticeable being in the mids! Since you are sooo..close, do at least try them out and have them in for a couple of days and see if you can go back to Valhalla.. =))
yes I know, my goal is to replace the Valhalla from source to pre with Odin, also to add onw or two Odin power cords for front end components.

The Brittish Hifi+ magazine has a review of the Odin power cords in the current issue (no 62) and come to the conclusion that you should upgrade to Odin power cords before you upgrade elsewhere in the chain and that you should start from the wall socket. They have such a tremendous effect. They say "As good as the Valhalla power cords are, Odin is in a different league, bringing solidity, presence, a physicality to instruments and the space in which they are recorded, that the Valhalla can only suggest.... Switching to the Valhalla lead robbed the piano of weight and the track of stability, the voices of presence and pyhiscal substance, the music of flow and progression..." Wow!
So it's more or less similar improvements wrought with their ic. However, to me spending on Ic first is still the better investment though. And do tread carefully, try not to get overboard and spend too much on particular makes of cable. Because (like me), when you change equipments later only to find them not being the 'best' match, there will be much wasted $$$ stack unused in your drawers.. =((
yes I agree with your thoughts. I have recently invested heavily in Burmester reference gear, both the 069 cd and 077 pre, and have no plans of replacing them. They are truely wonderful sounding! Nordost is also preferred brand for Burmester, so I feel this is the right path for me.