Music Direct will discount to repeat customers. They also have really great vinyl for sale. They have an abundance of affordable tweaks, and a knowledgable and friendly sales staff. They also provide excellent shipping and service. This is why they stay in business. BTW, I don't work for Music Direct.
IMHO. There seems to be as many high end companies as there are audiophiles. That translates to sporadic sales, necessitating large profit margins. Is that too simplistic?
I am a just a humble working stiff. I started out buying from a now defunct audio salon in the woods of northern Wisconsin. The internet and a paper mill closing which decimated the local economy, led to their demise. If it weren't for Audiogon and a few high end retailers that get the new paradigm, I wouldn't be able to stay in this hobby. At least not at the level of quality of gear that I own.
In the last decade, the price for gear in the upper echelon has sky rocketed. Too me it seems excessive. My deep passion for good sounding music keeps me in the game. Alas, I will problably have to put off retirement for another ten years. Oh well, things could be worse.
IMHO. There seems to be as many high end companies as there are audiophiles. That translates to sporadic sales, necessitating large profit margins. Is that too simplistic?
I am a just a humble working stiff. I started out buying from a now defunct audio salon in the woods of northern Wisconsin. The internet and a paper mill closing which decimated the local economy, led to their demise. If it weren't for Audiogon and a few high end retailers that get the new paradigm, I wouldn't be able to stay in this hobby. At least not at the level of quality of gear that I own.
In the last decade, the price for gear in the upper echelon has sky rocketed. Too me it seems excessive. My deep passion for good sounding music keeps me in the game. Alas, I will problably have to put off retirement for another ten years. Oh well, things could be worse.