What has been your most satisfying component?

I don't think I have seen this question asked so here it goes. Many of us tend to buy and sell looking for the ideal, the holy grail, what works best in the current system, or whatever.
What component (or components)have stood the test of time in your system? I've been through quite a few but some have stayed despite having bought their replacements and subsequently selling them. I'll share once we get a few posts to get things going.
I would say it's a toss up for me. I bought a Aragon 8008bb from a fellow goner and it made a big improvement in my system. Also up there is my Ps Audio P-300 Power Plant. Also has made a big diff. I'm missing it right now, it's out being modified. Can't wait to get it back.
My Linn LP12 Lingo. My once and future TT, through many upgrades. It has a Graham on it now with a Koetsu that's just breaking in. Gorgeous. And a hat tip to my Klyne SK-5A preamp.
okay, maybe the brain and ears are not audio components.

my favorite audio component was and still is the quad esl.
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I would say the most satisfying has been a modded Jolida JD 100. I've had it for over 2 years -almost got rid of it before. Until I started adding better and more compatible amplication and speakers (that dreaded synergy thing) I did not realize that the Jolida could play this well. But like most, the quest goes on to optimize my system. I'm counting on receiving my upgraded Modwright 999ES and the addition of Xtreme Quicksilver Gold to fully realize how good the rest of the system can be. The Ouicksilver Gold on the tube pins of my Jolida by itself has taken the sonics of my system to another level. The Quicksilver Gold has bested the Walker Extreme SST in my system. I have no afilliation with any of these products, this is simply my experience in my system. A fellow I communicate with named Mark (1Markr) in Chicago (part of that Chicago group of audiophiles (Mark, Bon, of Bon Mod fame etc). who've had the legendary Modwright Sony,999ES and 9100 ES etc shootouts) recommended the Quicksilver Gold- you were right Mark!- it's the bomb Thanks.