Don't get me wrong here - I applaud the crap out of Steve Jobs. He had a vision of what to appeal the masses and has sold it to death at the expense of others. This is marketing genius at its very best. Roughly only about 1 percent or less of us can be called audiophiles, so that gave him 99 percent of music lovers go to after and he made it and big time. Hell I wish I had thought up this idea myself. Never would have thought the masses would embrace the I Pod in the numbers it has, and to think his bare bones cost in these things is about $25.00 and they sell for WHAT???? Way cool man, now thats entreprenauership at its best. He should get a Nobel prize or something.
And remember the words of Adolph Hitler: The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one.
And to Audphile1, many thanks and I am most humbled beyond my wildest expectations.
And remember the words of Adolph Hitler: The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one.
And to Audphile1, many thanks and I am most humbled beyond my wildest expectations.