OK... i GIVE UP. Wadaya mean? they could wink, blink, and nod for all I'd know. I can't look them in the eye either. So we are eeven.
I did learn one good thing just a few moments ago... the upcoming preamp uses "two" types of tubes... not three. Whew! two 12AT & two 12AX. From the maker all four are but $125. having heard it with stock tubes, it suited me as was.
"My biggest fear about owning a tester is just imagine how anal you could get about tube condition and how much time you could spend monitoring their condition."
you're supposed to monitor them too?
Sweet god. and I thought I had this near licked. I'll do my best to restrain myself. Once the lid is on, as you said, there's enough left to futz with without doing that too.
it matters not how I go about it... I always get a wee bit of a pop. bigger if I shut down the pre first though. I don't do that anymore. but there still is a little pip.. nothing like a serious P-O-P! though.