Will superior earphones matter with my Nano

I have been looking at the various Shure earphones: the E2C, E3C, and the E4C. Given the amplification limitations of my Nano, do you think there will be major sound differences between all three earphones. I realize the music coming from a headphone amp would have significant sonic differences between inexpensive and major league earphones. Will there be significant differences with just a plain ole Nano?
warren :)
swampwalker, it appears, from the reviews, the ETY6is are soncially superior to the Shure E3Cs. Construction wise, the Shure seem to be the winner. Hey, brand spanking new with delivery they were $40 less than the best price I could find on the E3C Shures. Got to better than the cheapo buds I'm using, now.
Returned the ETY 6is the same day I received them. Very disappointed. Going for the wireless by WI-Gear.
i have travelled a similar path. upgraded earphones make a huge difference, and i would strongly suggest you check out options among Westone's alternatives. The UM2 was one of my favorites. I tried just about everything that Shure had to offer, and didn't care for any of them.

All of that said, unless you are planning to (1) use an external amp (even a very small one) and (2) rip in a lossless format, i wouldn't invest heavily in fancy earphones as your upside will be very limited.
warren- Sorry you did not like the Etys. Mine are 6, not 6i although I will confess that I do not know the diff. Jeffreybowan2k makes a good point about limited improvement, but I found that the isolation the Etys provide was a big factor, esp on a plane or at the gym. I am not expecting hi-end sound. It does take some time to figure out how to insert the little suckers to get the seal you need for proper bass.
I tried that jammy over and over and I believe I had a good seal. No bass. I mailed them back to the Ebay seller and he said he won't take them back or refund my $$. We're doing the Paypal Resolution center route. Won't bore you with the details, but he says that I should go to the manufacturer for a refund. Give me a break..
I ordred my wireless WI-Gear headphones. Had them for a 30 day trial this past summer. I loved them. Absolutely great, but interference due to a US Coast Guard station on the path of my run, was a negative that took the wind out of my sail. Hey, I'll suffer the 1.5 miles. I do have another 4 miles of my run and perfection. Have other routes, as well...