Will superior earphones matter with my Nano

I have been looking at the various Shure earphones: the E2C, E3C, and the E4C. Given the amplification limitations of my Nano, do you think there will be major sound differences between all three earphones. I realize the music coming from a headphone amp would have significant sonic differences between inexpensive and major league earphones. Will there be significant differences with just a plain ole Nano?
warren :)
I tried that jammy over and over and I believe I had a good seal. No bass. I mailed them back to the Ebay seller and he said he won't take them back or refund my $$. We're doing the Paypal Resolution center route. Won't bore you with the details, but he says that I should go to the manufacturer for a refund. Give me a break..
I ordred my wireless WI-Gear headphones. Had them for a 30 day trial this past summer. I loved them. Absolutely great, but interference due to a US Coast Guard station on the path of my run, was a negative that took the wind out of my sail. Hey, I'll suffer the 1.5 miles. I do have another 4 miles of my run and perfection. Have other routes, as well...
He made good on the refund, and I wound up with an apology. Fancy that. He listened to the earphones and found that they were truly lacking in bass and were probably not defective, but just plain ole poor in the bass. whattayaknow. He is refunding my $$. I thought that was a lost cause.
I spent the weekend at Head-Fi Conference in San Jose trying out a variety of in-ear cans (Shure, Westone, Ultimate Ears, Crossroads) and found that you can go all the way up the line and get better sound, even with my ripped 192's on the nano or Shuffle, EXCEPT that the Shure SE420 and SE530 are so revealing on the top that it becomes a mixed blessing. The top-of-the line can's from Westone (including the new #3) and Ultimate Ears sound awesome even on nano and Shuffle. Generally I was blown away at the progress in sound quality at Shure, Westone and Ultimate Ears, and on the cheaper end the Crossroads UMB and UM2 sound remarkably refined and very enjoyable at the $45 mark. ($45 might be the introductory price, not sure)