Audiophile movie

Last night I was cruising through many threads, including the "What is the craziest design?" thread. somewhere I saw a wonderful movie about audiophiles, I think made by the Athens audiophile society. This morning I can not find the link. Could someone please direct me to the appropriate link?

or go to YouTube and search: greek audiophile
That is a great video! Really shows the craziness. I love when they are pressed how much their rigs cost? The wives expressions are priceless...

Plus I feel like such a rookie with my low end system.. hahaha There is a reason I haven't ventured into vinyl $$$$
Great movie. Yes, a bit over the top. Reminded me of catching the train to Salzburg to retrieve my bosses new (demo) Bimmer 535i and taking it for a crazy Autobahn run into the zone. Excessive, pure and well above the fray of ordinary American driving experiences.
I enjoyed that one too.

Just search "Audiophile" on and you'll see it. My company is filtering Youtube from our options so, I can't get you the exact link, sorry.

Happy (watching) Listening!