Excellent review of CAPACITORS Must read

This is just a great review of various caps out there. I was so happy someone showed me this link I wanted to share it here:


The author mentions he got scooped by Arthur Salvatore regarding V-caps. Salvatore's is another great site you should check out. http://www.high-endaudio.com
I love the way he describes his feelings about getting scooped by Salvatore! Is he the mad scientist type?

And yes...BRAVO!
Great review!! I guess all the talk I heard about the V-cap is true.
Thanks for the link! outstanding !
Nice review. I have saved it for when I might find some flex-time of my own to study it.
Here are a few other good comparisions of caps. They deal with crossovers.


I thought the review was interesting, but honestly, when you look at the bottom line, TFTF V-caps are ridiculously expensive. A pair of 1.0 uF/600VDC will run you $440. A pair of 3.3 uF cost $1200. Yes, I know there are some people who can afford cost-no-object caps, but most of us can't - including manufacturers. Don't mistake the V-caps in this review for the cheaper line of oil impregnated metallized polypropylene (OIMP). They aren't the same. It would have been useful if the author reviewed them, but he didn't. The 10audio site (mentioned by Irish65) compares the OIMP V-caps, but the reviewer is different and so are the conditions.

Here's an excellent site for capacitor info and recommendations:


If you ever need an honest unbiased opinion about what cap to use for a given application, Jeff at Sonicap is an incredible resource. The guy knows more about caps than anyone I've talked to. He's very generous with his time and he's a super nice fellow to boot. Not once did he push Sonicaps on me while I was interested in other brands.
