What's new with power conditioning?

I just moved to a new place and I need some help. My old house had PS Audio ports and I had an electrician run some lines for me and my sound was CLEAN. However, my new place isn't so clean. I can hear the dryer coming through my speakers when I wash. Lucky for me, I only wash once a week.

I took the PS Audio power ports from my old place but for now I just don't have the cash it might take to have a qualified electrician come over and set up my lines.

I looked up PS Audio and wow, they have a bunch of new stuff.

What is out there that will clean my power. I use a tube preamp and SET amp and this probably pulls the most power. The rest of my system is a CD player, turntable and that's it. I might be adding a SACD player.

Any suggestions?
Gentlemen, let us not forget the important role that synergy plays. Different components and performance will vary. Try both and trust your own ears. After all is said and done, it is your money and your ears.
Chadnilz, it is apparent to me that you enjoy being confrontational. Your feigned pity for people that don't agree with your every observation is disingenuous at best.
$2500 is a nice chunk, maybe more than I want to spend at the moment. Given that the PS Audio and Exactpower units have a good number of followers, I would say that either one might work...work for me, anyway, having ears of tin. What is available at the lower levels. What about the Power Duet? The Px00 line seems to have vanished. At one time I wanted one and checked a friend that had one and I will admit that it did get hot. What happened to the Audio Magic stuff?
There aren't a lot of regenerators on the market (and some that say they are, aren't, like the Panamax) But if you just want to try one on the cheap, I'd recommend the Monarchy Audio unit. It's $750 msrp and 100 watts max. so only really useful on front end stuff.