Regardless of how much you've spent...

do you like or love this hobby? in one form or another, I've been reading about audio for almost 17 years without a break. I have 17 years of continuous thoughts running around in my brain. When I go to bed, I dream about it, I click on all the webzines every day(even on my Sony PSP)and before I go to bed.
What say you?

#7 should NEVER happen.... Always unplug or at least power down all gear before doing any system changes. It will save you tweeters, fuses and countless other items in your system and takes only a few extra second to do!
Sometimes I love this hobby, sometimes it is a chore. The last three months have been a chore. Too many problems to even start writing a list like Justlisten did. I feel your pain Justlisten.

Better days are ahead I hope. Next time I get my system sounding pretty good, I'm not changing a *#@^ing thing!

John :)
Like everyone, I suppose, I go in cycles. I can go years where I have a stable system and really just enjoy playing music. Sometimes I get completely away from audio and just watch movies on my projector every night for 3 or 4 months. Some equipment issue usually gets me in or out of audio again.
Several times the tubes have blown in my amps, then I hook up a SS amp and forget about tubes for years at a time. Then getting a new pair of speakers - I wonder what tubes will sound like - so I get them retubed, and am now at it like a tube maniac again.

Often just 1 tiny upgrade pulls me back in after years of never even checking audiogon. About 2 years back, I read about demo powerplant P500's going for a good price with a 30 day audition. I think - hey living in New York - I am a prime candiate for regenerted power (and have always wanted a powerplant- they just were too big before the P500)

Of course, once on PS Audio's site - waiting for the P500 to come I read about gain cell amps, and I end up with a full PS Audio system.

I read here a small ad about Cerious liquid ceramic cables. "Oh that's interesting" I think. I read their white paper - I end up with a pair of thier speakers and a full set of cables, AC cords, XLR, RCA.....

I read about a new phono stage (the tron seven) since the PS Audio doesn;t have quote enough gain for me, and go to pick one up from the dealer for evaluation - I end up with a new turntable and arm. The dealer didn't even mention the table or any other gear. I don't need a salesman to upgrade me- I do it myself and I always have. As a kid I would go to buy a $40 walkman just to play some music, and end up coming home with a $200 Aiwa recording model.

I am currently so happy with my old tube amps - that I now have to have their latest version at 4x the cost.

But after this big round of upgrades, I am sure things will settle down, (as long as there is good system interraction) My only upgrade I am looking for after this will be a Stage rack from systrum.

I know things will settle down because to get the next level of quality after this upgrade will be so much money that I simply can't afford it (or have space)

So that's a good thing.