Siemens Halske versus Siemens Rohre

I am new to tubes and have heard that Siemens Halske tubes are much better than Siemens Rohre. I am wondering if this is true for 6DJ8 tubes. Often times on Ebay I see tubes advertised as Siemens Halske but the box in the picture will say Rohre on it. Should I completely eliminate any Rohre tubes from consideration? Thanks in advance for your input
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Grant- how can you tell they are genuine? so far I can tell that dull grey getter supports are older than shiny, but what else. is there anything to the story I heard that no genuine CCas were made with gold pins? I have a quad of gold pin, dull gray tubes stamped Siemens CCa. Of course I also have a pair of 308s in a well known tube dealers box that are inked Siemens 7308, but the dull top of tube marking says 7308 made in USA.
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Well, they are all gold pins, some with codes on the support, all with 4 seams on bottle, one in blue/yellow Siemens & Halske box (very clean printing), 5 others in white boxes. Unfortunately, I do not have any gear right now that uses the E88CC/6922 tube.