Best Place for Negative Reviews?

As I've started reading more reviews of audio equipment, I'm noticing a discouraging trend: They're all positive! If I read one more article that says "this (insert component here) competes with anything 3 times its price!" one more time, I may completely lose faith in reviewers.

And maybe everything above a certain price range sounds good to certain people...but that's the kind of undiscerning ear that doesn't help me learn about which components I should seek to audition.

Is it just me, or do we need more reviewers who put a stake in the ground and just decide which components actually ARE the best values, and which ones you really are just getting what you pay for?
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I agree with Audiofeil, look at the pictures, read the physical description. If it sounds interesting listen for yourself.
Reviewers listening impressions really mean nothing to me. They've all become like Stereo Review magazine in the 70's and 80's under Julian Hirsch.

"Of all the amplifiers I've heard, this wonderful amp is definitely one of them." Very enlightening.

IMHO, I find much more information about sonic qualities in on-line discussion forums like this. Just make sure you understand the posters listening bias' (We all have them).

Contrary to what seems to be approaching a general consensus, I have grown to have more respect for Stereophile's reviewers over the years. I can't think of a single component that I have run through my system (that was also reviewed in Stereophile) that didn't sound like the reviewer described. That isn't to say that I haven't disliked a component, I have...many, but I've never walked away saying to myself, "That didn't sound anything like so and so said it did." Other than that, I expect good writing and they do have the best writers by a wide margin.
read for fun..listen to learn. audiofeil just summed up the whole hobby right there.