Listening chair?

I'm in the process of completing my listening room and would like some suggestions for a chair. I've heard that fabric is good is it will help absorb some of the high frequencys. Also, the seat back shouldn't be higher than one's ears and the chair should place your ears at the same level as the tweeters.

I like the looks of several home theater-style chairs, but they always seem to come in leather (which I don't want). Also, they can cost close to $2k. I'd prefer to spend no more than $1k. Any favorite brands? Thanks.

i own three Ekones Stressless chairs. they are comfortable and nicely built. i used one for three years in my listening room (1996-1999). the only issue is that the back rests are broad and somewhat cupped. they will definitely effect the sound to a significant degree.....depending on how tall one sits. as Rushton mentions above, if the backrest top is above your ears there will be issues.

i do recommend the Ekones Stressless as a great chair but only marginally as a listening chair.

if the sonic performance is a priority but you want a headrest then seek out a chair with a narrow back and headrest that has no 'cupping' effect. a headrest in and of itself is not a problem.

btw, i also own a chair similar to the Stickley Eastwood Chair called a Morris Bow Arm chair. quite comfortable and really great looking chair. the backrest is not cupped so even though it is wide it would be better for listening than the Ekones. unfortunately it is not as comfortable as the Ekones. i don't use this as my listening chair. you can see my listening chair on my system page.

there are always trade-offs.
I copy-catted Mike's chair and it is very comfortable.
It is also on the Relax the back retail store website.
I just love the chair, also comes in suede type cloth
with options like viscose ( Temper-Pedic type) elastic. BTW, there is also a competing brand to Mike's Delta and I believe this one is called "Perfect Chair." It does have the high back which is above ear level. I am not sure how bad this is, but I do know that it is something I no longer think about. Thanks Mike.
Those Ekornes look nice. Thanks for the tip guys. Until I save a few more bucks though, I'm quite happy in my IKEA Poang for $100 and a bit.
I second for THE PERFECT CHAIR call also ZERO GRAVITY chair.
The only bad thing with that chair is that you could fall a sleep while listening to music
Second choice might be the IKEA POANG in leather...
Good listening and rest !!!!
I started using the Ekornes Stressless for listening in 1968. I paid $199 for it. It is still used by my daughter. I presently have a crappy copy but seldom use it. I do use a handmade cherry rocker which has my ears just above the headrest. But I seldom have my head back that far. It is very good for my back but no better than the Stressless, except that I fall to sleep less in it. I don't like the wooden base on the new Stressless chairs. Mine was the chrome steel base.