No disagreement about the cost of the stands/shot (did I mention the OCD?). The stand were $200, and about the same for the shot. But I got a smoking deal on these speakers ($600 vs $1200) so I was still ahead of the game, but that's not really my point.
I don't wish to sound defensive. . .Kenny's alternative is a good one, but it was recommended primarily as rebuttal on the 'demerits' of my method, so I'll offer some additional comments.
I have a separate Meridian digital theater and a separate BAT/Magneplanar 2-channel setup, both with floor standers, so I'm not an evangelist for monitors. I went this route because I already had the CDMs on hand and wanted to make use of them in the family room, where I didn't want to put a $5k speaker in harm's way.
Are floor standers less prone to getting toppled than stand mounteds? I'll enthusiastically agree, which is why I did what I did. But now, my mass loaded and bolted down setup has such a low and heavy center of gravity, they are significantly more stable than my Meridian DSP5000s (which are pretty heavy due to built-in DACs and 225 watts of amplification). And the CDM1-NTs are a fine sounding speaker regardless of box size, and worthy of a solid foundation.
I'm pretty sure that vending machines are not stand mounted, so the comparison is equally apt with any speaker. . .if enough force is applied, I'm sure you could pull that Wilson Audio MAXX, Dali Megaline, or PBN Montana WAS onto yourself and experience a literal moment of killer sound !
"You'll end up with better sound" from floor based speakers is a pretty bold statement and would certainly invite a debate of what constitutes better sound. . .is it frequency response? imaging? PRAT? soundstaging? timbral accuracy? in-room response/interaction? Clearly, every speaker is a mix/compromise of these and more. Box size (or complete lack thereof such as with 'stats and planars) is not the final arbiter of better sound. All three of my systems sound pretty different (and terrific)!
At any rate, since DBw1 already has monitors, my post was meant to respond directly to his question "Anyone with experience in this area?" Again, I don't mean to sound defensive (truly), but wanted to suggest that there's not "one true way."