childproofing rear speakers

I have Snell K.5-2 rear speakers in the HT setup. They're 8.5 inches wide, 12 inches deep, and 18 inches tall, and pretty heavy. Right now they're sitting on TV trays, but I need a childproof setup, as my infant is starting to crawl. Do I go with a stand that grips the speaker or one that has a very large base that the speaker sits on? Anyone with experience in this area? When I first looked a year or two ago, I didn't find any stands with grips that fit speakers this large. Any help/advice is appreciated. -Dave
1-I would put something on top of the radiator or under the speaker to block the heat if you are that close. Veneer will delaminate over time.
2-Velcro is a great invention. It may discolor a patch either on the rear or underneath the speaker but should be sufficient in strenth to hold a small strap. You may even be able to put it where the speaker terminals are. However, you could even tie to the speaker terminals? They are usually quite well mounted and shouldn't have any problems as long as the speaker wire isn't interferred with.
Get yourself some of the largest Niles In-walls like I have and then you don't have cables or speakers in the room, plus the extra distance behind the couch adds to the steering dynamics of movies.
Hey Kenny! Likewise. . .wan't trying to antagonize , but rather offer some clarity regaring my post. As for the Meridian gear, that stuff is simply amazing, isn't it? I have to say there's nothing I've yet heard that is as uncontrived for home theater. It doesn't sound like anything, except what it's supposed to. And I do agree that running five full range speakers, especially in the era of Dolby Digital and DTS has a lot of merit. Throw in the processing that Meridian can do on music surround, and the case grows even stronger!

DBW1, there are some mounts out there that are designed to hold small televisions that use an "arm and tray" to hold the TV. I have an old 13" tv sitting on one of these. The tray can be tilted downward and has a nice lip on the front edge to keep the tv from sliding off. You could even add a fabric strap if necessary. The nice thing about the arm is that it will hold you speaker a reasonable distance off the wall. And the tray might suffice to protect the speaker from the radiator. These can be found in most home improvement stores these days.
How did you childproof your front speakers? Just put a childproof plastic fence around them? Electrical field? :)

Seriously, would be good to know. I'm getting worried as my six month old gets bigger and stronger - those beautiful Verities are prime targets for his abuse and explorations.
My brother had the ultimate cure: He bought wall mount martin logans with metal grilles and in wall wiring. I'm still waiting for his kids to put pencils through the grill holes...