is RMAF worth a trip

I live in DFW area and am curious if trip to denver is worth it.The problem is dealers here seem to have one model of brands I'm interested in, unless I want B&W. I'm happy with system but am looking to experment with others pieces. I want to hear other brands, but not if it is top of line products from the venders that i can't afford. IT has to be worth me missing going to the COWBOYS and cheating patriots game. So your input would be appreciated.
When in Denver these last two years for CEDIA I have found some great restaurants.

One the 16th street 'mall' there are two places, the Apaloosa Grill (near the convention center area) has a beer cheese and wild game sausage plate to die for! Going south a few blocks, Marlowe's has an amazing selection of microbrews and always seems to have some exotic meats, bison etc to savor.

This past year we ate @ Del Frisco's and the steaks were excellent, well seasoned and perfectly cooked, not cheap but worth it, waitress was smoking hot too!

Just my 0.02
I wouldn't miss it for the World. . . my room at the Marriott has been booked since last May! My only complaint is that is not creating a list of exibitors on a sortable spreadsheet. . . walking around the hotel with an alphabetized list of exibitors is for the proverbial birds. So I am creating my own sheet copying and pasting company names from the 'all exibitors' page and suite numbers from individual exibitor's pages. . . but with about 240 entries it's a real pain to do.
I travel to Denver once a month for work. Last one was 3 weeks ago. I took a detour to find out where RMAF would be hosted, and it was just within 1/4 mile from where I was staying. It's not that easy to get to as the airport is in the middle of nowhere northeast of Denver. The Tech Center is on the southwest edge of the greater Denver area.

I've just arranged my trip so to "coincide" with RMAF, so I will be in town that week, and sneaking out early Friday to attend the show for 3 days!

Hello there!

I decided to respond to this thread because I am a Colorado native, and figured I could share some helpful info…..enjoy reading!

I grew up right by where the hotel is for the RMAF, and I currently live about 15 minutes away from it. Colorado native for 25 of 27 years of my life, and 2007 was the first year I have attended, mainly because I had never heard of it until about a week before the show.

Here are my thoughts on it. Lots of positives and only one to the end to find out the ONE negative!!

1. Airfare is cheap to DIA from DFW and there are good air fares to be found from pretty much anywhere in the country. $300 bucks or less is pretty much the standard so financially it is very reasonable to attend.
2. Hotels are cheap in the area this time of year because other tourists, mostly Californians and Floridians, to our state head to the mountains for the many pleasures the Rocky Mountains provide. WE LOVE TOURIST DOLLARS!
3. Lots of good restaurants, microbrews, and bars in the tech center area with Denver only 15 minutes away as well. In other words, an attractive nightlife!
4. Easy to get to from DIA right off I-25.
5. The show is not too crowded because most people in Colorado have other interests besides high end audio.
7. Wide variety of set ups to demo. This can really help if you are looking to start a new setup, or modify your existing one!
8. YOU CAN PLAY YOUR OWN MUSIC! I mention this twice because the snooty factor is VERY LOW at this show.

Overall, it is a great show and a very unique atmosphere. I highly recommend attending next year!

Oh yeah………what is the ONE negative you ask?
Here it is: NO SINGLE WOMEN!! In fact, really no cougar to be seen at all… As a 27 year old single male, this is an important component to any successful convention, fair, show, or rodeo that I attend. I hate to report this, but the male to female ratio…..ABISMAL! …..I mean vendors did not even have token hot girls handing out brochures! How sad is that?
However, I wasn’t planning on meeting my next ex-girlfriend there anyway. Next year, just be sure to keep your expectations for eye-candy LOW
Hope this helps your decision.
if i weren't attending the ces, i would go to the rmaf.
there are manufacturers who attend ces who do not exhibit at the rmaf.