Difference between Siemens CCa & 7308

Any significant differences between Siemens CCa and 7308 tubes of the same era? I know the CCa is highly regarded, hard to find and expensive. Seems the Siemens 7308 is a bit easier to find and slightly less costly. Does the 7308 give up much in performance? Thanks!
You said it Rja!

I would be curious though to see what happened if they switched places and present the 7308s with a cooly accurate and revealing source.

I think what I'm hearing in my current configuration is pretty close to what the 7308s actually sound like through the crystal clear glass of the CCa. Not just pretty good, but mighty good.

Though I wonder where a tube revealing the source leaves off and a tube putting its own spin on the music begins.
Not all Cca are created equal.

There are both great and poor examples available. Not to mention the counterfeits.

IMO, the probability of finding a great 7308 is better than finding a great Cca.
Cozva- If you really are using the pre-amp 10 hrs each day, that's 3650 hrs/yr, or 18,250 over 5 years. Most high quality pre-amp small signal tubes are rated for 10,000 hours but of course many run longer and many burn out more rapidly. If the amp stays on 10 hours at a clip, I would think that you would get more hours than average, but the quality/consistency of your AC power is also a factor. Lots of surges, or high voltage conditions would probably stress the tubes and shorten their life.
Audiofeil, how do you spot a great quality CCa by virture of its sound? Would the above description of my set constitute great or am I missing something?

You seem to know this tube, what would you look for both materially and sonically?

