Pet audiophile peeves - name yours

1. Power supplies that are not the same size or finish as the preamp. Who decided this was a good idea?

2. Ridiculous and obvious snake oil salesman
Have to agree regarding the Bose bashing. The "We are so much smarter and better than Bose listeners" gets old quickly. All it does is make us look like a bunch of dorks. Although, I do think we are a bunch of dorks with better systems than the Bose crowd.
Back before computers were in the home, e-mails, the internet, etc.( 1978 ), I mailed a short, hand-written letter to The Absolute Sound, Attn: Mr. Harry Pearson, with the words, "Dear. Mr. Pearson, I am considering buying the new Bose 901 Series II loudspeakers. I would appreciate your opinion on these speakers." He returned the note, handwriting a short note on the back, "with the exception of sheer spaciousness, I can't recommend these loudspeakers for musical enjoyment." Signed, HP. I didn't buy the speakers, going with DCM Time Windows instead. I wish I had kept that note. It might have been worth something some day.
Bashing Bose (wdich I am a bit guilty of aswell) just seems too simple and an easy target that requires no thought or wit, like comparing Nickleback to Pink Floyd, it just has no merit or proper context. As long as people explore,listen and purchase music, who is anyone to is about enjoying music right?
I know about Bose bashing in general - just wanted to know what his reasons were. Mags5000 gave a good answer.
Here is a new peeve,
Why do we answer the same questions over and over and over?, nobody does a search anymore...its out of hand.