Pet audiophile peeves - name yours

1. Power supplies that are not the same size or finish as the preamp. Who decided this was a good idea?

2. Ridiculous and obvious snake oil salesman
Here is a new peeve,
Why do we answer the same questions over and over and over?, nobody does a search anymore...its out of hand.
Sadly, as much as I love Audiogon, their search engine leaves MUCH to be desired. Until the Audiogon folks invest in a better search engine such as the one on the AA site, certain threads will have to be repeated from time to time. IMHO.
I know the search need work but you have to admit there are a huge number of folks who dont even try to search an answer, the site and the web in general has such a wealth of knowledge its a shame many dont take advantage of it.
I agree. Yes, there is still a wealth of knowledge when you do a good search. I always try to do a search before I start a thread. There are some newbies who still haven't figured the search thing out yet, though. You would think that whoever the moderators are for our forums that before they allow a thread to be posted they would take that into consideration to avoid wasted bandwidth.