Pet audiophile peeves - name yours

1. Power supplies that are not the same size or finish as the preamp. Who decided this was a good idea?

2. Ridiculous and obvious snake oil salesman
I agree. Yes, there is still a wealth of knowledge when you do a good search. I always try to do a search before I start a thread. There are some newbies who still haven't figured the search thing out yet, though. You would think that whoever the moderators are for our forums that before they allow a thread to be posted they would take that into consideration to avoid wasted bandwidth.
Isnt some rule about that in the list of do and dont's about Audiogon? Yet many postings about new and relevant items go poof! Weekly
nothing wrong with asking a question
if the answers will save you a costly mistakes.
Nobody is perfect.
I think it is nice to know that there is someone who can help.
So if you can help
You never know when you will need a hand.
Isn't it what this is all about????
There are audiophiles on differant levels
but we all share the same passion - MUSIC.
Inexperienced vinyl sellers who continually advertise hot stampers when they couldn't tell one from a clothes hamper.

One would need to hear dozens of copies of the same record to designate any one a "hot stamper" and even then who decides it is sonically superior enough to wear that crown.

And please define hot stamper.

Beware of the rookies.
No doubt Bill, it seems lately there are some high priced garbage lisitng and "HotStamper" is in heavy rotation, I wonder if its one big offender or a few idiots......they dont appear to sell which is a bit of justice.