Report from Rocky Mountain AudioFest

First day at fest...Heard some pretty good sound...speakers from PSB (new Symphony line), Tyler Audio, Acoustic Zen (new Crescendo is really good), Wilson Benesch were most memorable. Also appreciated chatting with reps from Audio Research, Acoustic Zen, PSB...and members of audio press (Jonathan Scull). BUT, overall, sound is WAY too loud for anyone who cares about his hearing or evaluating sound. And, there was a surprising amount of truly bad sound. Also, it seems like the only music being demo'd was percussion tracks and cuts by any number of women with an acoustic guitar. At the end of the day, my ears hurt and I had a headache and reaffirmed my feeling that the ONLY way to evaluate equipment is in my home...Maybe my impressions will be more favorable after a cocktail and some aspirin. Cheers to all!
Hello Turbofc3s,

I heard The Red Speakers in room 9014 and liked them quite a bit. They were very dynamic and open-sounding, and I didn't hear anything that sounded "wrong" and spoiled the illusion. I wanted to stay longer in your room, but had very limited time away from mine. What is their projected price range? And... what is their official name?

Other speakers I liked included (in no particular order) Sonic Weld, Tonian Labs, Tyler Acoustics, Cogent, Selah, Classic Audio Reproductions, GR Research, Acoustic Horn, MBL, Gershman Acoustics, Daedalus, and Emerald Physics (disclaimer - I'm now a dealer for the latter). I'm probably forgetting some, and there were many rooms that I didn't get to. I was on the same floor as Jim Salk and Bastani, for instance, and didn't get to their rooms. Arrrrgh!

This was my fourth RMAF and overall it was highly enjoyable, as always. In this neck of the woods (Denver) it seems audio enthusiasts are far and few between. So, it was nice to commune with brethren of like mind. Speaking of which, it sure would be nice to have a few more of the fairer gender about, especially when you're crammed like sardines in a tiny room with 20 other middle-aged men. Did anyone else notice the demographic: almost without exception the attendees were white men 40 - 60. Why aren't the "kids" interested in at least seeing/hearing high-end equip???

I found about 40% of the rooms playing drums, tech sounds and anything but music. 20% of the rooms were playing nothing. I REALLY wanted to hear the Merlin speakers as their following is so devoted. The attendant decided everyone needed a lecture...even when he finally decided to play something.

I also get the impression reps want to show off when they have an interested party by speaking so loud no one else can hear what is playing. Would it make more sense to simply step outside to discuss the details? Are they afraid someone will steal something? or damage their equip. Ego before courtesy, I suppose.

Enough ranting. IMO the best ballroom setup was the two years Avalon demo'd their 5.1 system with the organ music. I live for moments when I can be part of the music rather than listen to it and this equipment/sound was transcending.

I cannot believe no one has mentioned the Guru speakers. Itty bitty little monitors that I defy anyone to identify as such if they were positioned behind a cloth panel. Incredibly good sound and at $2k (show special) the hands-down value leader of the event.

Best sound at show for me four years running has been a tie between the Karma Grand Ceramique sp? and the mbl speaker room. Most realistic, you are part of the sound experience, for me.

I’ve never been a panel speaker fan but the Apogee Duetta's were outstanding. Big, open, realistic. Could have used another sub or two.

Sure would like to hear the Maxx2 speakers when they sound good. I know they have the potential to but so far, no go at this show. As others have said...too loud.

Nordost room - does anyone else agree the rep likes hearing his voice more than anything else. Every year there is less and less music in that room and there is some fine equipment in there.

I love this show and appreciate the time and effort it takes to make it happen.
Just a note about the Apogees. The room needed to be far larger for the planar to create the bass that is possible. I have my rebuilt Scintillas 6 feet from the backwall. In the setup you heard, I agree that the bass was lacking.
Mdhoover: Rao Audio just launched their company on the first day of the show. VERY nice sounding room in my opinion, for what it's worth. What did other attendees think of Rao Audio? Was anyone else as impressed as I was with their room?

Did you take any brochures or contact information? I can't google a web page for them.
Hey Duke, thanks again for coming down to listen to my creation ... and thanks for the kind words. The dynamics especially have spoiled me already. I've never had anything this dynamic, it's addictive!

We don't have a name yet, but they'll be sold through BPT. And the projected price is just a hair under $3000/pair. A lot of people told me I should charge much more than that, but I'm in a fortunate position of not really needing to make money off them ... I just want to do something fun and cool!

BTW Duke, I still think yours was one of the top 10% of rooms there. I'd give yours the edge over Emerald Physics too, their tweeter has some grain to it, especially if the volume is turned up. Your tweeter felt much smoother. Bravo Duke!