Did You Have Fun At RMAF? Thank Al&Marjorie

Just got back from my first RMAF yesterday and I am still on an Audio high! Al Stiefel and Marjorie Baumert are the co-organizers of the RMAF. I can't believe how hard both they and their group of volunteer's had to work to pull this thing off, and they have been doing it for 4 years!

If you had fun at the fest this year, please post your thanks to Al and Marjorie on this thread. I will start things off.
I had a great time. Even my wife thought it was interesting and likened it to "Let's Make a Deal," where you never know what's going to be behind the door (to the next room).
Had a great time also. Thanx Al Stiefel and Marjorie Baumert for all your hard work. Look forward to 2008.
Thanks for a great time Al And Marjorie! You guys worked really hard just so us audiofools could have the time of our lives, and boy did we. I was like a kid in a candy store. I can't wait for next year!
It was awesome. I got to see lots of toys and got a good picture as to where the technology is going. I wish they would start earlier on Friday. Otherwise, I have to say, it's an outstanding show!

Thanks so much Al and Marjorie.We have attended every show and they get bigger and better every year. It must take tremendous effort and organization to pull this off. Kudos to both of you.