Amazing James Randi?

The amazing Randi who has been challenging the paranormal, supernatural, and occult power's of many who claim to have these powers. He is now giving a new million dollar challenge. He Randi is challenging a very famous audio critic, for the critic to prove the claims that there is a difference in the sound of speaker audio cables. Please I am not stating that there are no sound diffence but just interested in all fellow Audiogon members if any have heard of this?
I only posted the amazing Randi because I remember James Randi when he would make his appearence on many late night talk shows. I was amazed how he debunked many a phoney psychic of the day Geller,and many of the so called psychic surgeries coming out of east Asia. I have to say after reading MF letters to Randi and his earlier ones too Arthur Salvatore of audio critic, they all seem to possess the same language and sound points. His use of foul words and name calling does not belong in a business letter, even if the party you are addressing has in ways rubbed you the wrong way.I also would like to say about high-end that I cannot see why a reviewer would not question the price tag of ten feet of wire at the going price of seven thousand plus and much more. How much technology was invested and spent to manufacture wire costing that much for the connection between amp/speaker. I have been involved in bodybuilding for many years and please no jokes about the correlation between intelligence and muscle building. I remember in his early day's Arthur Jones a brilliant man and the major inventor of the nautilus training equiptment, who had trained many a famous bodybuilder in Deland Florida. One of his major complaints of the time was that many barbell comapny's were making more money not on the sales of weights but the food supplementation side of the buisness. He was angry that their was no way to tell if a supplement was really working or not. My point is I believe Mr Randi no matter right or wrong within this topic, does have a right to question the high-end audio industry with many of its claims, many that have no scientific data or are fraudulent at best. We should not be so hard on James Randi as much as we the consumer should be asking the reviewer to ask that hard question. Why so much for ten feet of wire that was purchesed at Dow Corning in great bulk?
If i was Michial Fremer I would call james randi a shit bag too if all that stood between me and a million dollars was to tell the difference between my reference cables and a pair of Monster Cables. hell I'll take the challenge, I mean I was using Monster Sigma 2 Speaker cable and after purchasing a pair of Anti Speaker Cables sold them because the Anti Speaker cables were better and there is no doubt that i could here the difference if the music was set at the same volume. Please randi get in touch with me,I could sure use the $$$.
11-17-07: Pbb
It doesn't matter because you know cables have a sound all their own or that once the known paramaters are achieved it's like throwing money out the window?

It means whatever you want it to mean Patrick.
JMC: Fremer, seems to me, protests too much and you just rollover and play dead. Is all that in aid of the subjective hi-end status quo?
Pbb: You piss and moan like a whore in church. Does that aid with you objective low-end status quo? Why don't you go whine to someone else, I'm tired of listening to you already. Are you still fuming from "the paradox of accurate speakers" thread?
I don't give a rat's ass if you use shoelaces to wire up your system, why do you get your panties in a knot over what I'm listening to? Get a life dude!
You'll fit right in over at Audioreview, them there's all JR's buddies. You'll find more peace of mind over there.....where everything sounds the same.....