It is a general observation, not a rule to go by.
There are great, helpful, knowledgeable audiophiles out there.
Don't get me wrong, I am not pointing fingers at anyone.
But through closer look at the treads, posts and activities, you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to put peaces together and figure out who is who.
I don't see anything wrong in making a few $$$ here and there, I just wish that cards were on the table.
I agree with you that I might have exaggerated a little in my previous post. However my general experience and opinion is unchanged.
There are great, helpful, knowledgeable audiophiles out there.
Don't get me wrong, I am not pointing fingers at anyone.
But through closer look at the treads, posts and activities, you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to put peaces together and figure out who is who.
I don't see anything wrong in making a few $$$ here and there, I just wish that cards were on the table.
I agree with you that I might have exaggerated a little in my previous post. However my general experience and opinion is unchanged.