crass to ask for feedback after a transaction?

i have been building a system for the last year, and have bought almost everything on audiogon. somehow, i have had extremely fantastic luck, in that the folks i have bought from have just been the absolute nicest people, very willing to answer questions, and freely sharing info and their vast knowledge. really coming out to help me learn more about the equipment we all share such a strong love for.

as a new member of the community, i can see the importance of the feedback system. i have always left positive feedback for the people i have dealt with. so far, two members i bought from have not left feedback for me, even tho i know they are sent a notice when my feedback is submitted, and even though we got on well together during the course of our dealings with each other...

in terms of general politeness, positive feedback would be much like a compliment, which one would never want to solicit, or "fish" for. in the context of our community, or "family", if you will, feedback could also be viewed as a courtesy, tho it seems as though the folks who established this system for us expect that we will do this small thing for one another.

do you think it's crass to ask a person to submit feedback after a transaction? i wonder why it seems not to occur to some folks, who seem completely nice and polite in every regard? ultimately, does it truly matter all that much?
The Audiogon feedback system actually solicits feedback from your trading partner when you send in yours. Your comments go to your partner for approval, then he or she is asked for a response. So you don't have to call or write and ask. The system does it for you.

In todays arena, I agree with Tvad and Reubent's approach. Tobias's view should work in an ideal world, but many of us can attest to carrying out flawless transactions, submit genuine praise, and get nothing in return even after several polite inquisitive reminders.

I consider myself to be one of the more honest members on the 'gon - honest/conservative grading, provide exemplary shipment packing, and maintain assuring correspondence throughout - only to be disappointed by blatant laziness IMO.

Only afterwards, after reading through their previous feedback history, do I notice it's a pattern with particular members not mutually returning the favor. I'd have at least another eleven responses since I joined back in '04', and though I still consider it a benefit, even with the current negative feedback policy these days, sometimes feel it's "iffy" until well established.

These days, I'll even politely work it into the initial correspondences as part of the sales agreement, that if all goes well, it's importance is known and freshly embedded into their subconscious.

By all means, try the "squeaky wheel" approach.
I have left feedback for every Audiogon transaction I've been involved in. There are those who will not reciprocate no matter what you do. I will not do repeat business with someone who refuses to leave feedback. Simple as that!
Politely negotiate this as part of the transaction beforehand. This is added value for both parties with an eye toward the future.

I usually just indicate that I look forward to providing positive feedback and hope the other party will too. This way you can get an idea of the other's intentions. IF they agree, you're set, if no response, I just ask gently if this is something they are also interested in.
I also like the polite squeaky wheel routine.Speaking just for myself,feedback doesnt mean much to me,its the phone call that makes or breaks the deal.I spend so much time here,I feel I know half the guys already,so its no problem on any level to feel good.....let me say Merry Christmas to all my friends.I believe I feel like Mickey Rourke in "Barfly" after that....have a large day,Bob