Any exp. w/ Shunyata Dark Field Cable Elevators

Has anyone had any experience with the Shunyata Dark Field Cable Elevators? I am looking to purchase a set of cable elevators and I think these warrant some consideration. Only problem is that I can not find any person who has tried them! Any info and / or recommendations would be greatly apprecaited.
01-16-08: Spaz
Davt, why roll over and play dead.Grant is making you sound like the bad guy.Your a consumer with questions.As for most Shunyata products are expensive I am at no supprise for the cost of these foam lifts.Do they make a difference,I don't know. "I know in my system Shunyata products did nothing for me". Maybe in yours the will.Also dont let a company fool you there not making a killing on something like this.There in it to make money??

Man, I wish I would have "talked to you" before spending $11,000 on Shunyta product,NOW, I feel like a real ass...

Dear 'Spaz',

>>>Davt, why roll over and play dead.Grant is making you sound like the bad guy<<<

Where do you get that? Davt asked questions, I answered them. He stated an opinion based on incomplete information. I informed him with what I know to be the truth. My last comment was intended as humor, nothing more. I had no intention of making anyone sound like a "bad guy".

>>>"I know in my system Shunyata products did nothing for me"<<<

That's fine. That is why I expend great effort in setting up trials and no-risk evals for people that call or write looking for dealers.

No manufacturer selling the type of product referred to here makes "a killing" by any meaning of that term. Like many things, the DFE's started as an in house project for personal use, and grew into a commercial idea from there. They are available for trial, so no-one is being taken in.

Mark up is well within reason given the costs of production, but then everyone has their own, often context-less idea of what "reasonable" is in terms of mark up. It is curious that the strongest opinions are often proffered by those with little idea what any sum of parts and materials would _have to_ cost at retail for any product to remain viable in this market, much less turn a profit.

Most products in any category within this hobby are purchased only after careful trial and comparisons. I have no issue with anyone making different choices. I do have a problem with people that casually accuse us of grossly inflated pricing without any understanding of what actual costs are that go into _any_ commercial product release. No one has to be "the bad guy", and I never implied that Davt was.

>>>"There in it to make money???"<<<

I really could not have put it, or spelled it any better myself, spaz. This is not the vocation most would choose if money is a primary motivation. Thank you for stating the obvious.

Shunyata Research
Simple point I'm making is that no company would survive in todays market if it wasnt for a severe markup for this kind of gear as for anything else in the retail market.Also I'm not bashing any product of Shunyata.If one tries it and likes it,then they should buy it.
Since these are made of foam, will they deteriorate after a number of years, like some speaker surrounds?
I must first apologize to Grant and the people of Shunyata, I am the bad guy. I usually don't make posts like I did initially but, My god $250 for twelve pieces of foam. Well, I did feel bad and ordered a set. My dealer would take them back if I didn't want to keep them, which I was sure would be the case. Well I was wrong. They are made of a foam that is quiet unlike what I assumed that they were. (What did someone once say about "Assume"). But they really were a nice upgrade. I will post a review as soon as I get back from a sudden trip but I will say this, I ordered a second set to complete all my cables. I think that they are a very reasonable upgrade to a system, improvements in clarity that exceed other upgrades I've made such as Stillpoints. But more later, I will post the details of my audition and experience when I get back. But again, my apologies to the folks at Shunyata, you created a fine product.